Hard Wired Panels

Hard Wired or Electro Mechanical Panels are normally cost effective for up to about 30 smoke/fire dampers although we can supply panels for systems up to 48 smoke/fire dampers. Our Mini-Hard Wired Panel has been specially designed to operate up to 12 dampers from one fire alarm zone.

All dampers will be held open normally but all will close on a fire alarm signal. The dampers will automatically re-open when the fire signal returns to normal. These panels are generally used with Belimo 24v open/spring closed motors.

A 4 core cable connects each damper motor to the panel. Field wiring is connected via DIF.4 damper interface modules. Each DIF.4 serves 4 dampers and are used in multiples for the required number of dampers.

On the panel facia are mounted LEDs to indicate individual damper status – red for closed, green for open. The LEDs are mounted through an engraved traffolyte label giving damper references.

Mini Hard Wired Panels

Our Mini Hard Wired Panels are a cost effective solution for smoke control systems up to 12 dampers.

Hard wired panels comprise the following:

Wall mounted steel enclosure rated IP54 with lockable door

Inside the panel usually consists of the following mounted items:

  • Toroidal transformer 240v/24v 300VA
  • Bridge rectifier
  • Rail mounted fuse for 240v
  • Rail mounted fuse for 24
  • Relay for fire alarm signal
  • Relay for common damper closed alarm
  • DIF-4 terminal interfaces for damper status wiring (top entry)

On the panel fascia will be mounted the following:

  • Traffolyte label engraved SD01 to SD21
  • Tricolour LEDs for damper indication (+ 3 spare)
  • 3 position Fireman’s override keyswitch labeled “Open / Auto / Close“

Optional extras:

Un-Interruptable power supply (to drive the dampers and LED indicators in the event of a power failure).
Different damper motor voltages
Lamp test facility
Common damper closed alarm
Door interlocked isolator

Distributed hard wired panel

The central panel is identical to a hard wired panel as described above. However extra junction boxes are supplied and distributed around the building. Groups of dampers are then wired to the nearest junction box using a 4 core cable for each damper. A multicore cable is then run to connect each junction box to the central panel. The number of cores required is generally (2n + 2) where n is the number of dampers. This system is most suitable for 24v motors where a power supply is incorporated in each junction box to reduce voltage drop over long cable runs.